The Prestandum Method

A complete Supply Chain project has six phases. Prestandum is involved in each of these phases to varying degrees according to the specific needs of the customer.

A Supply Chain project consists of six phases

In the two first phases, the Present Situation Analysis and the Future Scenario, the actual project work is conducted by the consultants. The client’s primary role in these phases is to supply requisite information on the company.

The client will become directly involved in the Supply Chain project in the third phase, Schedule and Action Plan. This phase is completed in project groups. The aim is to utilize the various skills and proficiencies of the employees while getting everyone involved and committed to achieving the goals. This ensures lasting and sustainable results.

In the remaining phases, Prestandum’s level of involvement is dictated by the wishes of the client.

Prestandum’s consultants have extensive experience in transport procurements, and contacts with senior management at most freight and logistics companies. We make sure that legally tenable agreements are put into force and that these always have the client’s best interests at heart.

Our extensive operative experience enables us to also ensure fast and accurate implementation. Delays in implementation cost money in the form of lost savings.

To ensure that these savings are permanent, follow-ups and post costing should also be conducted, and corrective measures taken as needed.

In the projects we have implemented, cost savings usually amount to 20-30% of the total logistics costs. Often, this translates to millions of euro in savings. We are very happy to provide references upon request.

Please contact us to see what Prestandum can do to rationalize your company. We can conduct a simplified analysis and give you a quick indication of your specific savings potential.